A year and a half to go, and it's a tight GOP race in New Hampshire

Given the huge fail by pollsters in Britain's recent elections, perhaps a caution would be in order in delivering the results of polling regarding the U.S. presidential election, which is still more than 18 months in the future. For the moment, though, a new St. Anselm College/Bloomsberg Politics poll in New Hampshire shows little daylight between candidates in the crowded GOP field, with Florida Sen. Marco Rubio gaining ground and former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush losing a bit.

Full results of the poll can be found here.

Support for Rubio jumped 6 points since a similar poll was done in February and now stands at 11 percent, tied with Bush, who lost 5 points in the same period. Leading the list, however, are Rand Paul and Scott Walker at 12 percent each. In descending order after Rubio and Bush are Donald Trump (8 percent), Chris Christie (7 percent), Ted Cruz (6 percent), Ben Carson (5 percent), Mike Huckabee (4 percent), Carly Fiorina (3 percent), and Lindsey Graham, Bobby Jindal, Rick Perry and John Kasich (all at 1 percent).

Hillary Clinton leads Democrats with 62 percent among likely Democratic primary voters. The pollsters note that figure is her best showing since November, "suggesting a recent wave of negative stories about the Clinton Foundation and her use of a private e-mail server have not hurt her among the party's base." Her closest competitor in the state is Bernie Sanders, who polled 18 percent.

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