You're hired--NOT!

I just returned from a nice visit to my home state of Wisconsin, where I caught up on the latest Catholic scandal there: Marquette University's decision to rescind a job offer for a dean's position to an openly gay candidate who is also a lesbian scholar. The story has everyone discussing issues of academic freedom, Catholic identity and discrimination.

The latest:
* Milwaukee Archbishop Jerome Listecki and Marquette University president Robert A. Wild acknowledged Tuesday that they had discussed the appointment. The Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel reports that Listecki and the archdiocesan judicial vicar contacted Wild with "red flags."

* In her first interview since this story broke last week, Professor Jodi O'Brien has said she had already signed the contract, prompting speculation about a possible breech of contract lawsuit.

* On Monday the MU faculty condemned the decision in a resolution from the Academic Senate.

* On Tuesday Wild got an earful at a tense listening session with students, in which some students demanded Wild's resignation.

Just to clarify: O'Brien was not applying for a theological teaching position. This article discusses the concern that openly gay academics are wondering if they have any future in Catholic higher education.

So much for the "liberal" Jesuits.

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