Zagano has long made the case for women deacons

This story appears in the Women deacons feature series. View the full series.

NCR columnist Phyllis Zagano has been named to a commission to study female deacons appointed by Pope Francis today, joining other experts including faculty members of pontifical universities. Zagano has devoted much of her career to studying the history of the diaconate.

We’ve gathered some of her analysis and columns here:

Your Holiness, it is time for women deacons

April 27, 2011

An open letter to Pope Benedict XVI: “Yes, God is love and all persons are made in the image and likeness of God. But the world will not and cannot hear that until you have a woman deacon standing beside you and proclaiming the Gospel in St. Peter’s.”

Despite what opponents say, women deacons are for ministry

January 28, 2012

“The bishops may not take this issue to Rome, but they certainly know about women deacons. With or without them, the national discussion continues. More than 6,000 people signed FutureChurch's open letter to bishops asking for dialogue about married priests and about women deacons.”

Can women rejoin the ranks?

May 31, 2016

“Most of what the deacon does, except for roles that require the clerical state, is no longer restricted to men.”

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