NCR's arguments for common-sense gun control

This story appears in the Gun Violence feature series. View the full series.

In three and half years, NCR has editorialized on gun violence and called for common-sense gun control five times. Here are those editorials.

Get behind common-sense agenda on guns
Aug. 19, 2015
It is time to take action and get behind Faiths United's common-sense agenda.

  • Write or call your federal legislator and insist that Congress enact laws that: Require every gun buyer to pass a criminal background check;
  • Take military-style assault weapons and high-capacity magazines off the streets;
  • Make gun trafficking a federal crime.

Being the world's leader in the number of deaths by handguns reflects badly on the vaunted "freedom" that enables such carnage. It's time to change the conversation and the law.
Read the full editorial.

The year since Sandy Hook has not been squandered
Dec. 13, 2013
Five times President Barack Obama has spoken at services to memorialize victims of mass shootings: Fort Hood, Texas; Tucson, Ariz.; Aurora, Colo.; Newtown, Conn.; and the Washington Navy Yard in Washington, D.C. That in itself should be a sign of the epidemic of violence that has engulfed this nation. One would think that five national memorial services in four years would have galvanized a nation to act to end gun violence. Sadly, it has not.
Read the full editorial.

Sensible gun control is still possible
June 21, 2013
In January, on the one-month anniversary of the mass shootings at Sandy Hook Elementary School and just ahead of the annual March for Life in Washington, D.C., we advocated on this page for weaving strong gun control legislation into the list of life issues demanding our attention. ... We asked, "Can our elected officials summon the political courage to defy the gun lobby and protect our communities?" Now we know, six months after the Sandy Hook tragedy, that the answer to that question is "No." The politicians did not have the courage to stand against the gun lobby.
Read the full editorial.

Researching gun epidemic is first step to solving it
Jan. 28. 2013
Of the two dozen executive orders that President Barack Obama issued Jan. 16 as part of his plan to reduce gun violence in this country, the public needs to watch order No. 14 carefully to ensure that it is implemented fully and completely. It could profoundly reduce gun-related deaths and do it in a way that won't raise the specter of Second Amendment rights or frighten hunters and people who shoot for sport. Item 14 directs the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and other federal scientific agencies to conduct research into the causes and prevention of gun violence.
Read the full editorial.

Editorial: It is time to demand an assault weapons ban
Jan. 7, 2013
Gun control is a pro-life issue and the time has come for U.S. Catholics to weave strong gun control legislation into the list of life issues demanding our attention. A first step involves lobbying for strict legislation banning assault weapons and the military-style clips used in attacks on our communities.
Read the full editorial.

We are victims of out-of-control gun culture
Jul. 26, 2012
If the popular definition of insanity -- doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results -- applies in the matter of shooting massacres, then we have reached a dangerous level of cultural madness. To allow another gun massacre to go by with nothing more than hand-wringing and empty words is not being considerate of victims. It is rather buying into a culture-wide denial and giving assent to the insanity. We need to talk seriously about gun control.
Read the full editorial.

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