Nicholas Kristof mentions NCR, Jamie Manson in NY Times column

by Joshua J. McElwee

News Editor

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New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof mentioned NCR and its coverage of Bishop's Thomas Olmsted's recent controversial decision to remove the Catholic status of a Phoenix hospital in a column in the paper today.

Kristof singled out NCR columnist Jamie Manson in particular, saying she summed up the situation "best" in her Jan. 4 NCR column, St. Joseph’s Hospital: A phoenix in the desert.

Olmsted, bishop of the Phoenix diocese, withdrew the Catholic designation from St. Joseph’s Hospital and Medical Center there because of a dispute over whether a 2009 procedure performed at the hospital was a direct abortion.

The Dec. 21 decision came after negotiations between Catholic Healthcare West -- the organization which operates the hospital -- and the bishop failed to resolve key differences.

NCR has followed the story since 2009. Here's a sampling of our coverage:

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