O God of Unexpected Places

This story appears in the Advent 2014 feature series. View the full series.

by Sisters of the Monastery of Mount St. Scholastica

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O God of Unexpected Places, fill us with the strength and conviction to find you as we journey through this Advent season.

Juan Diego was not sure who was guiding him, yet he persevered, bringing the gift of flowers. Many today face similar uncertainties: the immigrant, the person being trafficked, the victim of abuse, victims of typhoons and tornadoes. Who are the Juan Diegos in our life? If we open our mantel of love, what might we find? In faith and trust, we move forward with gifts of love, patience, awareness, sensitivity, compassion.

-- Sr. Mary Beth Niehaus

[The Monastery of Mount St. Scholastica in Atchison, Kan., is home to 140 Benedictine sisters whose presence has been in the Kansas-Missouri area for the last 150 years. While primarily engaged in education, the sisters also sponsor the Keeler Women's Center; Sophia Center, which houses their spirituality programs; and Maur Hill-Mount Academy and Benedictine College, which they co-sponsor with St. Benedict's Abbey.]

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