Webathon: bin Laden and the valued blogs you read here daily

It’s been fewer than 12 hours since President Obama announced that the United States killed Osama bin Laden in Abbottabad, Pakistan. How are we to feel?

Jesus taught us nonviolence. He told us to love our enemies. No exceptions. Scripture teaches us the violence begets violence. As Christians, we profess life.
This is not, then, a time for celebration. It is rather a time for sober reflection.

Clearly, there is understandable catharsis across the land. We only need to remember the poor souls jumping from the burning Twin Towers. We think of their families. We think of how deeply the wounds of 9/11 have shaped our consciousness, have formed the vocabulary and story line of our nation and its foreign policies during this past decade.

Trying to sort out my own thoughts, some of the ambilance I feel, I find it helpful to read a posting this morning by Mary Ann McGivern, a Sister of Loretto, who lives in St. Louis, and works with the imprisoned and with advocates for criminal justice.

She tells the story of her father who once, when she was about eight, shared the story of his reaction at the death of Stalin.

It’s a valuable posting. You can read it here. It’s the kind of thoughtfulness you come to expect at NCR Web site.

In a similar vein, check out the blog of Maureen Fiedler who also draws us from the edge and back into profession beliefs, as she ponders the killing of bin Laden.

And finally there is this reflection by NCR blogger Mario T. Garc'a.

This is the first weekday of our second annual Webathon, the one week of the year we go all out to ask for your help. This is your chance to make a donation - $20, $50, $100, $500 or more – to keep this Web site healthy and growing.

This is our make or break week, and Monday - today – is the day we set the stage for the entire week. Please, please do not wait. Donate now!

Tom Fox, NCR Editor

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