Copy Desk Daily, Sept. 14, 2020

Our team of copy editors reads and posts most of what you see on the websites for National Catholic Reporter, Global Sisters Report and EarthBeat. The Copy Desk Daily highlights recommended news and opinion articles that have crossed our desks on their way to you.

New Orleans health director works to prevent second wave of pandemic: The physician in charge of public health for New Orleans is a lifelong Catholic, whose parents adopted children with disabilities into their family while she was growing up. This and her sociology background led her to look at the causes of health care disparities and establish the Division of Community Health Relations & Engagement at LSU Emergency Medicine. Appointed in July 2018 as city health director, now Dr. Jennifer Avegno is steering the coronavirus pandemic response in the Crescent City, working to avoid a second wave of high infection rates and death. 

Amid pandemic, women religious persevere in ministries to those in need: Facing the ongoing pandemic that has killed over 920,000 people, women religious around the world continue to minister to the needs of others. This week, Global Sisters Report writers provide updates on how previously interviewed sisters have adapted their work amid the coronavirus outbreak.

Award-winning photographer Paul Jeffrey examines the world through the lens of his camera and his faith with Lens on Creation: A martyr's legacy in the Amazon. 

Michael Sean Winters notes that "we are witnessing an unprecedented challenge to participation in political life by President Donald Trump." The imperative is clear: Don't let this be your last vote. 

From Joshua J. McElwee, "The Vatican's decision in August to clarify the formula that should be used in the Catholic rite of baptism attracted unusual interest after it caused something of a theological head-scratcher": I or we? Vatican sparks baptism controversy that isn't so controversial.

Catholics, voting and abortion: Time to correct the record"It may surprise many Catholic voters to know that church teaching does not prohibit a Catholic from voting for a pro-choice candidate," writes David E. DeCosse in a commentary for NCR. "In fact, the teaching of Pope Francis, Pope Benedict XVI, and the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops all permit a Catholic to do so."

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