Children's Ode to Food




One of our readers, Barbara, sent the March 18 Ode to the Artichoke reflection to family members inviting them to use the prompt, "Write an ode to a food you appreciate" as a homeschool activity. We think you'll find results to be quite delightful. 

Ode to the Banana

By Micah, Age 12

Yellow skin



From a tropical place

The banana 


From its mother

Strong, sturdy tree

The banana

With brothers and sisters

All in a bunch

At the market

Plucked from siblings

From the corners of stand

To darkness of basket

Woven wood 

Basket holds

The bought banana

Transported to

Icy wasteland, forgotten

Suddenly skies open up

It's rescued!

Hand reaches in

Reaches and grabs

Banana being mushed

Banana being pounded

Banana being baked

Into delicious banana bread


Ode To My Special Fruit

By Maddie, Age 10

The special fruit is round, rough, and oval.  It is brown on the outside and green with black seeds on the inside. I see it sitting there with all the other ones. They are all majestic, except for one of them. That one is the most special one. It is more than just majestic, it is beautiful. I take that one and place it in my cart so gently, it was like picking up a puppy that was just born and  putting it in a basket. Then I walk to the cash register. There I buy the ripe, beautiful, and special fruit. I take it home and there at my house it becomes part of my breakfast. From this point on I always pick the most majestic ones. But I will always always remember that one special special kiwi.


Ode to the Broccoli

By Kendall, Age 7

Oh broccoli, it smells like the beautiful nature. To me, I think of broccoli as little trees. Broccoli is delicious. Broccoli grows from the ground. You have to wash the broccoli to eat it.  Broccoli is better cooked. Any way you have the broccoli, put it in a broccoli salad. 



Say a prayer of thanksgiving for the gift of children and their creativity today, including specific children from your own life that you love and appreciate. 

If you haven't made time to write your own ode to a food, write one today as it is quite fun and good for your spirit. 

Lenten Daily Food Reflections

pause | reflect | act

Editor's note: These daily reflections on food, faith, climate and our lives will provide spiritual sustenance for the Lenten journey. They are inspired by the Lenten Food Waste Fast at the Ignatian Solidarity Network. 

This story appears in the Lenten Daily Food Reflections feature series. View the full series.

In This Series
