Do Not Worry




During times of uncertainty, especially the current global concern over the spread of  coronavirus, the desire to hoard more than we need can awaken in us, leaving the people who are most vulnerable in peril. 

Maybe you yourself are feeling vulnerable in this moment. It is important to acknowledge our feelings and concerns in light of this reality so that we can find ways to support each other and prepare mindfully, not from a place of fear.  

Slowly read the scripture below out loud and in a soft voice. Notice a word or phase that resonates in your heart. What might God be saying to you in light of the current situation?

"Look at the birds of the air; 

they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns, 

and yet your heavenly [Sustainer] feeds them. 

Are you not of more value than they? 

And can any of you by worrying 

add a single hour to your span of life? 


Therefore do not worry, saying, 

'What will we eat?' or 'What will we drink?' or 'What will we wear?'  

For it is the Gentiles who strive for all these things; 

and indeed your heavenly [Sustainer] knows that you need all these things. 

But strive first for the kingdom of God and righteousness, 

and all these things will be given to you as well.

So do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring worries of its own. 

Today's trouble is enough for today."

Matthew 6:26-27, 30-34


Pray: Have an honest conversation with God about how you're feeling and ask for the grace of trust and peace in this time of uncertainty. Pray for people locally and globally affected by coronavirus. 

Fast: Remembering the God who loves and sustains us, avoid "panic buying" by mindfully preparing a list of what you might need in the coming weeks, just like you normally would. If you are able, general guidelines suggest having 14 days of supplies in the following areas simply as a precaution:

  • nonperishable food items; 

  • medication (if you are able to pick up prescriptions early);

  • basic household supplies such as toilet paper, soap and laundry detergent.

Look around at what you have (you probably already have most of what you need) and write down a few items you could pick up (or ask a friend to pick up) on your next visit to the store. 

Give: Check in on someone who might need extra emotional support by phone or video chat. If you are healthy and able, offer to deliver needed supplies, such as food or medication, to someone's home who needs them.

Lenten Daily Food Reflections

pause | reflect | act

Editor's note: These daily reflections on food, faith, climate and our lives will provide spiritual sustenance for the Lenten journey. They are inspired by the Lenten Food Waste Fast at the Ignatian Solidarity Network.

This story appears in the Lenten Daily Food Reflections feature series. View the full series.

In This Series
