Follow ongoing coverage of today's global climate strikes

The third global mass student strike for action on climate change began Friday around the world.

More than 5,500 events in 153 countries were registered through the Fridays for Future movement, begun by Swedish teen Greta Thunberg who in August 2018 started her own solitary protest outside her country's parliament holding a sign "School strike for climate." As her demonstration drew attention, other students began participating and it has seen millions of young people walk out of classrooms and join her in protest.

Of those planned for the latest strike, at least 230 were organized by Catholics, and Catholics in San Francisco, Portland, Oregon, Providence, Rhode Island and elsewhere are joining citywide demonstrations. In Washington, D.C., Catholic Charities of the Washington D.C. Archdiocese are hosting a student-led prayer service on climate emergency. NCR Bertelsen intern Jesse Remedios is in D.C. covering the strikes. You can see some of his reporting on NCR's Instagram page.

The latest climate strike has invited people of all ages to stand with young people in their demands for increased action by government leaders on climate change. The demonstrations are taking place three days before the United Nations Climate Action Summit, on Sept. 23 in New York City — where Thunberg has joined the strikes.

As part of the Covering Climate Now initiative, of which NCR is a partner, The Guardian has shared its ongoing coverage of the climate strikes as they occur across the globe. You can follow along with their reports here.

This story appears in the Covering Climate Now feature series. View the full series.

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