As high school teachers, my colleagues and I stand in solidarity with young climate activists. Last year we encouraged student leaders in social justice and ecology at our school to mobilize our community toward the RISE March for Climate, Jobs, and Justice in San Francisco. After an interfaith prayer service, they marched and sang with 30,000 others. Their enthusiasm and desire for change spilled forward into other events and commitments throughout the year.
Now those students are at it again, this time bringing the Season of Creation to life on our campus, and organizing for the Youth Climate Strike on September 20th. They will return to the streets of San Francisco, armed with even more knowledge, passion, and experience.
Walking to targets in government, finance, and energy, they will let key stakeholders know where they stand. And where will my colleagues and I be? Standing behind them, with them.
Michael Downs is the director of justice and kinship at Bishop O’Dowd High School in Oakland, Ca.

Small Earth Stories: How are you responding to climate change in day-to-day life? Tell us in 150 words and a photo. Learn more here.