Copy Desk Daily, March 27, 2019

Our team of copy editors reads and posts most of what you see on the websites for National Catholic Reporter and Global Sisters Report (the NCR project focusing on women religious). The Copy Desk Daily highlights recommended news and opinion articles that have crossed our desks on their way to you.

Using holograms and AI to preserve firsthand stories of the Holocaust: Hologrammic technology can save the testimonies of those who witnessed humanity's worst.

A mensch, a church in recovery, and hierarchical culture examined: In the latest NCR Connections, Tom Roberts gives a shout-out to "mensch" Michael Leach, who has shepherded NCR's spirituality column Soul Seeing, and the recent collection of the same name. Also, the church in crisis could use "the wisdom of recovery literature and the particulars of 12-step programs."

The self-revelation that makes us new again: In an indirect way, Joan Chittister's column continues a thread on secrecy from NCR Connections. She goes over St. Benedict's fifth degree of humility, "which shows us that lives forged in secret too often die in the glare of hot lights."

Michael Sean Winters' memo to Dems, regarding the Mueller report: Do not mimic Trump. "If most Americans do not grow up, take off the partisan lenses that cause them to see everything in Manichaean terms, to question the integrity of someone like Mueller, to ignore the gravity of obstruction of justice, then where will we find the intellectual and moral resources to renew our democracy?"

Parish roundup, by Dan Morris-Young: In the Diocese of Albany, high school students are among volunteers providing certified, free tax-return assistance to low-income clients.

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