Copy Desk Daily, May 13, 2019

Our team of copy editors reads and posts most of what you see on the websites for National Catholic Reporter and Global Sisters Report (the NCR project focusing on women religious). The Copy Desk Daily highlights recommended news and opinion articles that have crossed our desks on their way to you.

Writer of blunt '02 memo on abuse: Gregory can handle the truth: Peter Feuerherd speaks with David Spotanski, who in 2002 was a father who was fed up with church sex abuse. Spotanski, the then-vice chancellor for the Belleville, Illinois, Diocese, wrote his boss a candid memo. He took the memo over to then-Bishop Wilton Gregory's home and read the whole thing out loud. 

"In June 2016, just after Pope Francis announced he would create a commission for the study of the history of women deacons in the Catholic Church, he joked to journalists, 'When you want something not to be resolved, make a commission.' Apparently, he wasn't kidding after all," writes Jamie Manson: Why does Francis' passion for justice and unity stop short of women?

From today's Distinctly Catholic column by Michael Sean Winters: "In American politics today, the issue of truth could not loom any larger." Yup.

Pope Francis "got quite emotional" when reviewing the photos of as the Nuns Healing Hearts campaign, an exhibit featuring of sisters around the world who are engaged in anti-trafficking ministry. From Global Sisters Report's Soli Salgado: Talitha Kum, Galileo Foundation back photo exhibit of anti-trafficking ministry

Today's Daily Easter Reflection: Using antiphons in the liturgy

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