Bishops preview video on marriage catechesis

BALTIMORE -- As part of its ongoing efforts to strengthen marriage, the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops will launch this winter or spring the first in a series of videos, which was previewed for the bishops Nov. 18 at their annual meeting.

In a presentation to the bishops, Archbishop Joseph E. Kurtz of Louisville, Ky., chairman of the Ad Hoc Committee for the Defense of Marriage, said the video is part of a project of catechesis and education.

"This video is not meant to be a commercial that convinces the viewer in 30 seconds, or a public service announcement which simply raises awareness, but is intended as an introductory step of catechesis and education," he said.

It is intended for use by priests, deacons, catechists and teachers. Resource booklets and the Web site also are part of the campaign targeted at Catholic young adults, Archbishop Kurtz said.

The short film focuses on a young married couple discussing their relationship, the differences between men and women, their understanding of the meaning and place of marriage and even how they consider sex to be "a way of giving life to each other."

Archbishop Kurtz said the video and other elements of the campaign are aimed at people who "fail to see the link between marriage and the intrinsic dignity of the human person and the common good."

He reminded the bishops that their efforts on marriage, including the videos and other materials being prepared by an outside advertising agency, have four core messages: the good of the two-in-one-flesh communion between man and woman in marriage; the good of children; a counter to the rights, fairness and discrimination arguments made in efforts to legalize same-sex marriage; and the impact of religious liberty.

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