Links for 12/12/17

A statue of Christ is seen Dec. 5 near a fallen tree resting on the roof of the community center at Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church in Caguas, Puerto Rico. The parish building was heavily damaged in Hurricane Maria. (CNS/Rich Kalonick, Catholic Extension)

by Michael Sean Winters

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Happy Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe! Before we get to the news, here is my favorite version of las Mananitas to the Virgin at the Basilica in Guadalupe. If you want to see vibrant religious faith, go to that shrine on any day of the year.

In The Washington Post, E.J. Dionne correctly warns about the dangerous game some Republican lawmakers are playing by questioning the integrity of independent counsel Robert Mueller. It was unsurprising when Sean Hannity was doing this, but when you see Newt Gingrich doing it, and Rep. Jim Jordan, we should get nervous. And more than nervous: Gingrich, who praised Mueller when he was selected, has placed himself so beyond the pale of decency that you are justified in refusing to shake his hand or treat him with even minimal courtesy.

Also at the Post, a smart op-ed from former Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels on the trend in our culture to do anything and everything to avoid saying "I was wrong."

At Politico, a smart criticism of the way the Federal Emergency Management Agency is approaching the rebuilding effort in Puerto Rico: Instead of selecting one giant contractor, they should work with local business and work forces. 

Also at Politico, a profile of Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand whose campaign against sexual harassment has come to fruition. Unfortunately, Gillibrand is already abusing her newfound fame, endorsing and sending money to a pro-choice woman who is challenging one of the few remaining pro-life Democrats in Congress, Dan Lipinski. People like Gillibrand are selfishly playing to the extremes in an effort to position themselves for a presidential run, but this is stupid. As Chuck Todd noted during "Meet the Press" as he concluded a segment on today's special election in Alabama, if the Democrat, Doug Jones, were pro-life, he would be winning handily. Instead, the Democrats may lose to an accused pedophile. And why? So Gillibrand can win the endorsement of NARAL? 

[Michael Sean Winters covers the nexus of religion and politics for NCR.]​

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