Election 2010: The morning after

by Michael Sean Winters

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Sergei Razvodovskii/dreamstime.com


The Republican wave stretched from the mountains of New Hampshire through the Alleghenies in Pennsylvania, across the Midwest, and throughout the South last night. The Republicans gained control of the House with a sizable majority and fell just short in the Senate. The results were a disaster for the Democrats and for the President. What happened?

According to exit polls, 50 percent of the electorate yesterday said they were “Very worried” about the direction of the economy in the next year and another 36 percent were “Somewhat worried.” This was the central dynamic in the election no doubt: When the economy is in the tank, voters take their frustration out on the party in power.

Read the full analysis: The Morning After

[Michael Sean Winters writes about the interplay of politics and religion every day on his Distinctly Catholic blog on NCRonline.org.]

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