First Arab tapped to lead global Lutheran body

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Ecumenical News International

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STUTTGART, Germany -- The Lutheran World Federation has chosen
Palestinian Bishop Munib A. Younan as its next president, the first Arab to lead
the Geneva-based umbrella group for 70 million Lutherans.

Younan, 59, was elected on Saturday (July 24) at the LWF's 11th assembly in
Stuttgart. He succeeds the Rev. Mark Hanson, the presiding bishop of the
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, who held the post for seven years.

Younan told delegates he was introduced to the LWF as a refugee when he
drank chocolate milk at the Martin Luther School in Jerusalem, an event that
inspired him to enter the church ministry.

“That this election took place in Germany is especially meaningful and
emotional for me, since my church grew out of the German mission to the Holy
Land,” Younan told delegates.

With just 3,0000 members, Younan's Evangelical Lutheran Church in Jordan and
the Holy Land is one of the smallest of the LWF churches.

“It is essential that I as an Arab Christian can be used by other Christians
for dialogue with people of other faiths so that we can have dialogue that can
be for the benefit of all people. We carry that expertise,” Younan told ENInews
after his election.

He also said he hopes to use his post to advocate for the region's dwindling
Christian population.

“Palestinian Christianity has survived 2,000 years,” he said. “We have never
ruled the country, nor were we ever in the majority. We do not have much
property, power, money or influence. Yet, we have survived.”

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