Index of John Allen's Africa synod coverage

Index of John Allen's Africa synod coverage

The synod ends: Real impact of African Synod may come inside the Church Oct. 27, 2009

A cry for debt cancellation from Ivory Coast Oct. 17, 2009

African bishop on Islam, oil , and why selling the Vatican is a stupid idea Oct. 16, 2009

What does the African synod mean for us? Oct. 16, 2009

Looking at church's impact on Africa, Ghana archbishop says: 'We have failed' Oct. 14, 2009

Hearing the cry of women at the African Synod Oct. 14, 2009

A conversation with Archbishop Wilton Gregory Oct. 13, 2009

UN hunger expert warns of empty cupboard in 21st century Oct. 13, 2009

Big guns in African church blast corrupt politics Oct. 12, 2009

Botswana, where African stereotypes go to die Oct. 11, 2009

Ghost of Maputo Protocol hangs over African Synod Oct. 11, 2009

In search of one good idea at the Synod of Bishops Oct. 10, 2009

Religious orders still giving a thousand lives for Africa Oct. 10, 2009

Women religious take the podium at Africa synod Oct. 09, 2009

The conservative half of the African soul finds its voice Oct. 08, 2009

An African package for church reform emerges at Synod Oct. 08, 2009

No sale yet on GMOs from African bishops Oct. 08, 2009

Without even showing up, Obama's a force at African Synod Oct. 07, 2009

Synod leaders: the church needs to get its house in order Oct. 06, 2009

Obama's election a 'divine sign,' African bishop tells synod Oct. 06, 2009

African cardinal on condoms and AIDS Oct. 05, 2009

Africa is no longer the 'Beggar of the World' Oct. 05, 2009

Africa’s dynamism real but also deceptive, cardinal says Oct. 05, 2009

Say hello to Africa's next great hope to be pope Oct. 05, 2009

To bongos and bass guitar, pope calls Africa an 'immense spiritual lung' Oct. 04, 2009

Expectations high for Africa synod Oct. 02, 2009

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