John Grosso named NCR's digital editor

John Grosso has joined the National Catholic Reporter as the new digital editor for NCR, Global Sisters Report and EarthBeat. He will be responsible for expanding social and multimedia coverage for all three publications when he begins his new position March 20.

"Over the past few years, we have expanded our social media outreach, including launching a TikTok account in 2021 and hosting regular live video events," said Heidi Schlumpf, executive editor and vice president of NCR. "John's experience and expertise in social and multimedia will be invaluable in helping us do even more to reach audiences who consume their news through social and multimedia."

John Grosso

John Grosso

Gail DeGeorge, editor of Global Sisters Report, said, "We look forward to having John build on the international readership that Global Sisters Report has developed and bolster our reach through social media in multiple countries. His multimedia background will also help us expand our abilities to tell the stories of Catholic sisters in video and alternative forms of storytelling."

Throughout his career, Grosso has been a leader in social media communication in Catholic organizations, having previously worked for the Bridgeport Diocese and Foundations and Donors Interested in Catholic Activities (FADICA). He also has served as a digital media consultant since 2015.

In addition, he was one of 16 communicators worldwide selected to develop digital media strategies for Vatican offices, major basilicas of Rome and the synod on synodality. He also has participated in trainings for the McGrath Institute for Church Life at the University of Notre Dame and contributed a chapter in the new book, "Building Your Digital Sanctuary: An Introductory Guide to Effective Digital Ministry."

"I am so excited to join this incredible team at NCR," said Grosso. "I'm looking forward to using my experience in digital media to broaden the reach of NCR's world class reporting and magnify the work of our reporters and editors."

John, his wife, Nicole Perone, and daughter live in Connecticut. They are members of St. Aloysius Parish in New Canaan, Connecticut. You can follow him on Twitter @JohnTGrosso.

A version of this story appeared in the April 14-27, 2023 print issue under the headline: John Grosso named NCR's digital editor.

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