Your thoughts on voting restrictions

Letters to the Editor

Catholic bishops' conferences in Georgia, Florida and Texas have chosen not to take positions on "election integrity" bills that their states' GOP-controlled legislatures have passed to impose new voting restrictions. NCR readers respond to our reporting on this issue below. The letters have been edited for length and clarity.

Letters to the Editor

Thank you to Brian Fraga for his insightful article on the silence of our bishops on newly enacted voting restrictions in Georgia, et al. due to false accusations of fraud occurring in the 2020 election.

I don't understand why the bishops can remain silent on such a big issue. Thankfully, we have our Catholic nuns who are not afraid to take a stand.

Where are our bishops who advocated for social justice? Lost in their only issue of importance — birth control and abortion. Very disappointing.


Uniontown, Ohio


The indifference of our bishops to the reactionary right-wing campaign against democratic rights here in the U.S. stands in stark contrast to their support for "democracy" (ie. the restoration of U.S. dominance) in revolutionary Cuba.


Hamburg, New York


For a man and woman to get married in a Catholic Church, they must supply among other things proof they were baptized.

Get it? Proof to do something is always required, except to vote.


Lake Luzerne, New York

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This story appears in the Your thoughts feature series. View the full series.

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