Parish roundup: Lenten reflections, creative Stations of the Cross; saving parishes, closing schools

Cardinal Donald Wuerl of the Washington Archdiocese offers an ambitious plan to implement Pope Francis' teachings on family life described in the papal document Amoris Laetitia. He's sent guidance to the 139 parishes in the archdiocese, comprising Washington, D.C., and its adjoining Maryland suburbs.

Latino parishioners are saving parishes by their presence in Columbus, Ohio.

The Diocese of Buffalo, New York, releases information about its history of sex abuse cases, but it comes under criticism for the information it doesn't offer.

More school closings announced in the Pittsburgh Diocese.

A Michigan pastor made $42,000 a year in salary but was able to build himself a mansion with more than 11,000 square feet of space.

Chicago-based Catholic Extension is not forgetting storm-damaged parishes in Puerto Rico.

A Schenectady, New York, parish offers a down-to-earth series of Lenten reflections and discussions on the value of work and responding to sex abuse and harassment. It's a response to the #MeToo movement as well as the difficult job situation in the upstate city. 

A creative Stations of the Cross is a highlight of this year's Lenten season in New York. The Stations are located around the island of Manhattan, from the Cloisters Art Museum in Upper Manhattan to the 9/11 Memorial downtown. The work has been curated by Dr. Catrina Lang of Epiphany Church in Washington, D.C., and Dr. Aaron Rosen, professor of religious studies and director of international and cultural projects at Rocky Mountain University. The exhibit previously was shown in Washington and London and next year will go to Amsterdam.

[Peter Feuerherd is a correspondent for NCR's Field Hospital series on parish life and is a professor of journalism at St. John's University, New York.]

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