Video: Facebook Live with Joan Chittister on where we go from here

by Brittany Wilmes

Engagement Editor

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In this Facebook Live conversation, Benedictine Sr. Joan Chittister and former NCR executive editor Tom Roberts talk about the state of the country and American politics and what might come next.

We are aware that viewers hear some feedback noise and Sr. Joan's words are often staticky, and we apologize for the imperfect audio. We are working to improve this experience in the future.

For background reading, we suggest the following:

  • Sr. Joan's latest column, published on Election Day, says that we must go on together, prophetically.
  • You can find all of her now-monthly columns here.
  • Follow our live election coverage on our blog, #CatholicsVote2020.
  • Join us tomorrow for another live conversation with USA Today columnist Melinda Henneberger and NCR columnist Michael Sean Winters, moderated by opinion editor Olga Segura.
  • Read the first piece in our column series, What Now?, written by Bishop John Stowe of Lexington, Kentucky. The series will continue through Friday as contributors reflect on what's next for our country and church.
This story appears in the Election 2020 feature series. View the full series.

In This Series
