Santa Clara to host clergy sex abuse panel Feb. 19

Santa Clara University's Jesuit School of Theology will host a panel discussion on the clergy sex abuse crisis less than a week before the worldwide meeting of bishops at the Vatican.

The panel, titled "Clergy Sexual Abuse: A West Coast View," will meet from 6:45 p.m. to 8 p.m. Feb. 19 on the Jesuit School of Theology campus in Berkeley, California.

According to an event promotion, "Questions to be addressed include how the crisis has affected local west coast parishes with strong Asian or LatinX populations; what JST's international student body can teach the U.S. about clergy sexual abuse and cover-ups in their home parishes; what problematic structural practices of the church contributed to the problem; and what better vision of Church is needed."

Speakers include Bishop Oscar Cantú of San Jose, California, Santa Clara University professor of theology Paul Crowley, doctoral student Sr. Breena Kallely, and recent Jesuit School of Theology graduate Vivian Nabuule.

The event will be livestreamed at

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