Video: Facebook Live on coronavirus, health care and the election

by Brittany Wilmes

Engagement Editor

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In this Facebook Live conversation, NCR executive editor Heidi Schlumpf speaks with columnist Michael Sean Winters and Ralph McCloud, director of the Catholic Campaign for Human Development, about coronavirus, the Affordable Healthcare Act and the upcoming presidential election. For background, here are some links we recommend:

  • As Michael mentions, he wrote on September 11 that President Donald Trump's attempts to downplay the coronavirus pandemic will matter in the presidential election.
  • John Kenneth White of Catholic University of America wrote for NCR about the differences between Joe Biden's public Catholicism and that of the last Catholic candidate, John Kerry.
  • Ralph McCloud, who continues to recover from the coronavirus himself, directs the Catholic Campaign for Human Development, a program of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops.
  • You can read all of NCR's coverage of the 2020 election here.
  • Michael writes columns three times a week for NCR, and you can find them here, where he opines on Amy Coney Barrett's confirmation hearings, election polling and much more.
This story appears in the Election 2020 feature series. View the full series.

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