Court rejects appeal involving murder of religious sister

SAO PAULO (CNS) -- A court in the state of Para rejected an appeal by rancher Regivaldo Galvao, convicted of being one of the masterminds behind the February 2005 assassination of U.S.-born Sister Dorothy Stang.

With the Sept. 6 court decision an arrest warrant was issued for Galvao, who in April 2010 was sentenced to 30 years in prison for his role in the murder of Stang, 73, a member of the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur and a naturalized Brazilian citizen.

The other four men involved in the murder are in jail, serving sentences that range from 17 to 30 years.

Stang, a native of Dayton, Ohio, lived in the Amazon region for nearly four decades. She worked closely with the Brazilian bishops' Pastoral Land Commission in favor of land rights for the poor and for sustainable development in the region.

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