Links for 09/14/17

Health care advocate

Health care activists protest the Republican health care bill at the Russell Senate Office Building in Washington July 17. The bill collapsed in the Senate later that day after two more GOP senators said they couldn't support it. (CNS/Yuri Gripas, Reuters)

by Michael Sean Winters

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At the New York Times, David Brooks has been on the phone with his rabbis, and the result is splendid: An examination of leadership that the bishops would do well to read before their November plenary meeting!

The money quote: "To hearken is to be faithful but also responsible, to defer to just authority but also to answer the call of individual conscience, to work within the system but as a courageous, creative force."

At HuffPost, more evidence that some conservatives just can't avoid the taint of hypocrisy when they enter in to a culture war fight: Actor James Woods castigates a movie that deals with a gay relationship between men of different ages, but the difference is minimal when compared to Woods' own romantic escapades.

At Politico, it appears a commitment to a single-payer health care system is becoming a key ingredient in Democratic presidential bids for 2020. This is a litmus test I can live with.

In the Washington Post, new data shows that income inequality persists, even as middle class incomes are rising again.

[Michael Sean Winters covers the nexus of religion and politics for NCR.]​

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