Links for 09/19/17

A cross is seen during a Good Friday "Walk for Peace" led by Cardinal Blase Cupich. More than 1,500 people of all faiths and ages joined the April 14 walk through Chicago's Englewood neighborhood. (CNS/Courtesy of Archdiocese of Chicago)

A cross is seen during a Good Friday "Walk for Peace" led by Cardinal Blase Cupich. More than 1,500 people of all faiths and ages joined the April 14 walk through Chicago's Englewood neighborhood. (CNS/Courtesy of Archdiocese of Chicago)

by Michael Sean Winters

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At The Washington Post, Gene Robinson on the thing a single-payer system in health care has going for it: It’s the right thing to do.

At the Chicago Tribune, Cardinal Blase Cupich bans firearms from all church properties. How sad that this is even an issue.

In the Kansas City Star, Melinda Henneberger on whether the Democratic primary voters will back Josh Svaty, who is “pro-lifeish.” Another test case on whether this issue is a litmus test for Democrats or not.

At Politico, could manmade earthquakes from fracking cripple the U.S. economy? Leaders in the extraction industry need to read Laudato Si’ and fast.

Also at Politico, Joshua Zeitz contends that Mark Lilla has it wrong in his diagnosis about the role of identity politics on the left: It precedes the 1980s. Zeitz is on to something but so is Lilla. I suspect it was at the confluence of modern communications and identity politics that the left started digging its own hole.

From the “wow” file and The Hill: GOP Congressman Dana Rohrabacher hatches a conspiracy theory about Charlottesville: It was all the fault of lefties manipulating civil war re-enactors.

[Michael Sean Winters covers the nexus of religion and politics for NCR.]​

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