Links for 09/26/17

Women cast their votes Sept. 24 at a polling station in Crostwitz, Germany. (CNS/Reuters/Matthias Rietschel)

Women cast their votes Sept. 24 at a polling station in Crostwitz, Germany. (CNS/Reuters/Matthias Rietschel)

by Michael Sean Winters

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At WBUR radio, Boston Cardinal Sean O'Malley speaks about his personal experience of hurricanes in the Caribbean and the current crises.

At The Guardian, Thomas Frank on the lessons to be drawn from What Happened, Hillary Clinton's memoir about the 2016 election. The money quote: "Proceeding in this rational, expert-sanctioned way, Hillary Clinton set out resolutely on the road to oblivion." 

In the Clarion Herald, a report on New York Cardinal Timothy Dolan's talk to the Louisiana Priests' Convention, in which he shows how knowing our history can help us be more empathetic with the people the church serves today. Dolan is at his best when he is channeling his mentor, Msgr. John Tracy Ellis. 

At Vox, a man with a physical disability explains his misgivings about physician-assisted suicide. I am delighted to see this article at a progressive website: This issue is one on which too many on the left lurch toward a libertarian position that is unworthy of our society and culture. 

In The Washington Post, Angela Merkel won a fourth term but the rise of a far-right party — in Germany — scares the living daylights out of everyone except the neo-fascists. Just last week, in Poland, I recalled the old joke about enjoying listening to Wagner but only for about five minutes. After that, one is overcome with a desire to invade Poland. Let's hope that joke will long remain a joke. 

[Michael Sean Winters covers the nexus of religion and politics for NCR.]​

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