Letters to the editor on Taylor Marshall and Catholic Republicans

After podcast host and prominent conservative Catholic conspiracy theorist Taylor Marshall announced his candidacy for the presidency in a video posted to YouTube on May 13, NCR columnist Michael Sean Winters wrote a satirical column praising the news. After several GOP contenders announced their own candidacies, the NCR Editorial Staff wrote to Catholic Republicans urging them to think seriously about the future. Following are NCR reader responses to these opinions with letters that have been edited for length and clarity. 

Great piece on "Taylor Marshall for Prez in 2024" by Michael. Nice to mix in occasional satire. Borowitz can't have all the fun. An abundance of Catholics, former & current, to choose from to fill the (p)ranks of the Marshall administration. Frank Pavone would be a fitting Ambassador to the Holy See, no? He's had lots of experience dealing with Rome. And how about Michael Flynn for Sec. of Defense to defend against all those non-Christians? Ron "DeSanto Subito" would make a great Sec. of Transportation with his experience with flights to Martha's Vineyard and "storm-tossed" Iowa. Heck, Taylor can skip designing his own campaign cap, leveraging the existing "MAGA" hat, but renaming it "Make Another Grift Artist."

Madison, Connecticut

Letters to the Editor


In good humor, Marshall's run for president is like Pat Paulsen's run for president. However, what you did in your "Taylor Marshall for Prez in 2024" article was not in good humor. It was mockery — mockery of him, and mockery of the Catholic issues he addresses, valid issues that need open discussion. And that's why Marshall is running. You disdain the man, sadly, because a National Catholic Reporter writer should represent all Catholics, not only the Pelosi Catholics on the left. There is hope, however, and it starts with the confessional booth. Mockery is a sin. Have a blessed day, and as Taylor Marshall would say: Say your rosary or you are not on the team. 

Spokane Valley, Washington


This guy is a loony. A convert with an agenda? I don't claim expertise in this area but it appears EWTN has a penchant for loony birds.

Newark, Delaware


Reading "Editorial: Dear Catholic Republicans" was disheartening. Your editorial staff lives in a bubble. Republicans don't elect Republican presidents, Independents do. Independents are "swing voters" as some states are "swing states."

NCR has to do better if it wants to be effective. It has to educate all its readers. Democrats can learn a thing or two as well. With all the dis/misinformation in media, people are confused. NCR needs to counter this by making moral comparisons tied to the Catholic Catechism and Pope Francis' statements/teachings tied directly to the issue. 

The mainline GOP can't throw off Trump, so to varying degrees, they've joined him. Even after he is defeated his imprint will remain. Trump boldly spews vitriolic hatred from the Bully Pulpit that Republican Catholics, clergy and laity, believe and say in their private lives. 

NCR can make an impact that can make a difference. As an Independent, I'll be reading your opinion pieces from that perspective. Give us good reasons not to vote Republican. 

Texas, United States


Your articles and opinions do not, as usual, conform to Catholic teaching or Pope Francis' pastoral guidance. I agree that the GOP are no saints, but you're implying that the Democrats are a much better choice. The Democrats' strong pro-abortion stance is a nonstarter, so we are stuck with the GOP. Get the Democrats to be pro-life and we will then have a choice.

Denver, Colorado

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