Your letters: Bishops and immigration, and faith during turmoil

Letters to the Editor

Following are NCR reader responses to recent news articles, opinion columns and theological essays with letters that have been edited for length and clarity.

Bishops and migrants

When I read about the bishops' recent support of migrants, it was as if they had just learned about Trump and his allies' scapegoating of migrants (, Nov. 12, 2024). Where were their voices before the election when it might have made a difference? Now, after their silence helped to elect Trump for a second term, the bishops want to extend their support to the migrants? If the bishops had wanted to be taken seriously, they should have raised their voices before the election. Now it's just a hollow promise.

San Francisco, California


Letters to the Editor

Trusting God

God bless you for the articles "Catholic Reaction to Trump's election win...." and "Bishops stress their support of migrants..." (, Nov. 6 and 12, 2024). These articles encourage us to be vigilant and trust that God will save us from the incoherent promises coming from Trump regarding his second term. 

I would ask each person who has read these two articles to keep these thoughts in daily prayer between now and Jan. 20, and beyond. We must trust that God will be merciful to our beloved country. It frightens me to even consider what our future might be. Our ancestors have worked diligently to give us the freedom that we presently enjoy and only God can save us from such frightening disasters.

Merrill, Wisconsin


Faith during darkness

This first Sunday of Advent reflection was so beautiful and needed (, Nov. 30, 2024). Maybe we all feel right now like the disciples must have felt in that boat being tossed about in a violent storm. May we all gain an ever deepening faith in our God whose love and care for us is beyond our imagination.



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