Copy Desk Daily, Aug. 10, 2020

Our team of copy editors reads and posts most of what you see on the websites for National Catholic Reporter, Global Sisters Report and EarthBeat. The Copy Desk Daily highlights recommended news and opinion articles that have crossed our desks on their way to you.

NCR Bertelsen intern Lucy Grindon reports that U.S. colleges and universities will face unprecedented economic strain and dramatically altered campus life this semester as they impose health and safety measures. Grindon spoke to presidents of Catholic colleges and analyzed the latest information from the Association of Jesuit Colleges and Universities for a sense of what to expect from the approaching fall semester.

Shut up at home by pandemic, sisters find world is still with them: "After months of emergency shutdowns, staged reopenings and, in some cases, reversals, sisters are finding ways to cope with the inevitable COVID-19 anxiety, brought on by months under virtual lock and key." Elizabeth Eisenstadt Evans reports for GSR.

Noting the pandemic, the federal government's violence against peaceful protesters, and the threat of eviction for millions, Alex Mikulich writes that "it seems as though we are collectively gripped by unnecessary death, destruction and cruelty. ... While we need to maintain massive civil disobedience in the face of governmental injustice, there is greater hope in the Jewish and Christian mystical tradition of receptive generosity — God's welcome — that draws us into intimate and infinite sensitivity for every creature in the whole of creation."

He calls me 'Action Nun!' Jane Marie Bradish honestly does not know how it started, but shortly after his arrival, the new principal — Mark Ostap — started to call her Action Nun. "I was surprised by the 'title;' what exactly did he mean by it? However, being a good sport, I created an electronic signature I use just for him, so my messaging ends with 'Thanks, Action Nun.' "

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