Copy Desk Daily, Aug. 27, 2020

Our team of copy editors reads and posts most of what you see on the websites for National Catholic Reporter, Global Sisters Report and EarthBeat. The Copy Desk Daily highlights recommended news and opinion articles that have crossed our desks on their way to you.

Filling vital US ministry roles, foreign-born priests need deliberate support to thrive: U.S. dioceses seek international priests as the nation's vocations decline. Former NCR intern Maria Benevento reports that "there is an increasing awareness among diocesan administrators and bishops that receiving communities should be more intentional about the ways they incorporate international priests and facilitate their integration."

In second pandemic, Benedictine turns 107, 'too old to be set back very much': Sr. Vivian Ivantic was born in 1913, five years before the Spanish flu pandemic. Now, as Dan Stockman reports for Global Sisters Report, the Chicago Benedictine can add the novel coronavirus to the deadly illnesses she has escaped.

Editorial: Bishops should follow sisters' lead in dismantling racism. We say that the actions by the Leadership Conference of Women Religious and its membership congregations speak to a deep recognition of the need to stay focused on the issues of racism and racial injustice. It is a commitment that the bishops and the larger U.S. church would be wise to emulate.

This week, Michael Sean Winters provides recaps of each evening of the Republican National Convention. These are available on his column page here.

According to Catholic News Service, 26 weeks after his last weekly general audience in St. Peter's Square, Pope Francis will resume his audiences with the public present, but in a Vatican courtyard.

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