Copy Desk Daily, Aug. 7, 2020

Our team of copy editors reads and posts most of what you see on the websites for National Catholic Reporter, Global Sisters Report and EarthBeat. The Copy Desk Daily highlights recommended news and opinion articles that have crossed our desks on their way to you.

Lay group urges Pittsburgh Diocese to do more to restore broken trust. NCR Bertelsen intern Madeleine Davison reports: "The Pittsburgh Diocese is reeling from declining attendance and a massive restructuring program two years after a 2018 Pennsylvania grand jury report uncovered widespread clerical sexual abuse in six dioceses in the state. A lay advocacy group now says diocesan leadership has made few concrete steps to restore trust with parishioners."

From NCR Bertelsen intern Lucy Grindon: Bishop John Stowe rebukes Trump as 'anti-life.' Stowe publicly criticized President Donald Trump during a July 31 webinar, saying: "For this president to call himself pro-life, and for anybody to back him because of claims of being pro-life, is almost willful ignorance. He is so much anti-life because he is only concerned about himself, and he gives us every, every, every indication of that." 

Catholics join Virginia pilgrimage recalling legacy of racial injustice: "As Confederate statues and memorials fall across the South, a coalition of Catholics and other Christian groups in the Norfolk, Virginia, area has mobilized to speak up about racial injustice and calling for action."

At EarthBeat, as India moves toward ambitious climate goals, it is trampling on sacred groves in desert ecosystems.

NCR readers sound off: Your thoughts on LGBT Catholics, canceled pilgrimages, women's ordination and more.

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