Copy Desk Daily, Feb. 11, 2020

Our team of copy editors reads and posts most of what you see on the websites for National Catholic Reporter, Global Sisters Report and EarthBeat. The Copy Desk Daily highlights recommended news and opinion articles that have crossed our desks on their way to you.

If the Catholic hierarchy is ever to regain authority within the community and the wider culture, Tom Roberts writes, it will have to begin communicating as Bishop Robert McElroy and Cardinal Blase Cupich have: A way out of the US bishops' tight ideological and partisan corner. 

A Catholic case for Elizabeth Warren: The Catholic Eye on Candidates feature series continues with an essay by Melissa Cedillo about Sen. Elizabeth Warren.

Good intentions, right representation and writing latinidad: "The responsibility to represent takes ethical care to avoid misrepresentation," Carmen Nanko-Fernández writes. In the latest Theology en la Plaza column, Nanko-Fernández takes a look at the controversial novel American Dirt, and how Latin@́ responses have been "multi-layered arguments intersecting on questions of representation, especially when those being represented number among those made vulnerable by underrepresentation."

"The church is missing out on the most vital opportunity to reinvent itself for a world in evolution. ... Science and technology show us that when the level of our awareness changes, we start attracting a new reality. Can the church be part of a new reality?" From Ilia Delio: God can emerge in new ways through Teilhard's 'troubled worship'.

Also at Global Sisters Report: Q & A with Sr. Gracy Vadakara, a promoter of interreligious dialogue.

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