Copy Desk Daily, Feb. 12, 2020

Our team of copy editors reads and posts most of what you see on the websites for National Catholic Reporter, Global Sisters Report and EarthBeat. The Copy Desk Daily highlights recommended news and opinion articles that have crossed our desks on their way to you.

Editorial: Hypocrisy on display in Duquesne's religious liberty win: We say that "in recent weeks, the courts rendered decisions in two cases involving First Amendment guarantees of the free exercise of religion. We agree with both decisions, but we deplore one of the outcomes."

Bishop ups the ante on anti-LGBTQI stance: Jamie Manson writes about how some Catholic leaders, having lost their campaign to defeat marriage equality, "have now put trans folks in their crosshairs." She takes a look at Bishop Thomas Paprocki's new pastoral guide on gender identity.

Book review: Researcher interviews struggling pornography users: Presbyterian elder Bill Tammeus reviews Samuel L. Perry's book Addicted to Lust, which examines the vulnerability of conservative Protestants to the digital availability of pornography. Perry interviews real people who use pornography but suffer tremendous guilt over it.

Network: No grade for the Senate because it did nothing: Network Lobby for Catholic Social Justice released ts 2019 Catholic Social Justice Voting Record, which praised the House and denounced the Senate.

Glenmary Father John Rausch, advocate for Appalachian people, dies at 75.

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