Copy Desk Daily, July 4, 2019

Our team of copy editors reads and posts most of what you see on the websites for National Catholic Reporter and Global Sisters Report (the NCR project focusing on women religious). The Copy Desk Daily highlights recommended news and opinion articles that have crossed our desks on their way to you.

ICYMI: This Fourth, may American optimism and Christian hope prevail, by Michael Sean Winters.

As US immigration policy changes, so does work of Catholic agencies: "I think people that are serving are very much committed," said Estela Villagran Manancero, director of Latino ministry for the Saint Paul-Minneapolis Archdiocese. According to a new survey from the Center for Migration Studies in New York, Catholic organizations and parishes are stepping up with renewed efforts to help immigrants, in response to the Trump administration's policies on immigration.

St. Benedict's 12th step is the challenge to become humility itself​: Joan Chittister has been taking NCR readers through St. Benedict's 12 steps of humility. With the 12th step, "The directions are achingly pure: Be what you say you are. Do not lie, even to yourself." 

Your thoughts on abolishing the priesthood, part two​: NCR readers sent letters to the editor in reply to James Carroll's call to abolish the priesthood in The Atlantic, as well as Fr. Donald Cozzens' response that ran on 

Most of the time, Virginia Herbers found interruptions to be "completely annoying."  But she shares a story of how interruptions at a silent Ignatian retreat changed her perspective: Interruptions reveal our true mission.

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