Copy Desk Daily, June 3, 2019

Our team of copy editors reads and posts most of what you see on the websites for National Catholic Reporter and Global Sisters Report (the NCR project focusing on women religious). The Copy Desk Daily highlights recommended news and opinion articles that have crossed our desks on their way to you.

The U.S. bishops' conference will hold its 2019 Spring General Assembly next week. Read today's news and commentary on the U.S. episcopacy:

National correspondent Heidi Schlumpf reports on the state of the bishops' conference, which still leans to the right, according to veteran bishop watchers and a recent survey.

For survey results and more bishop stats, check out Bishops of the United States: the basics.

From Michael Sean Winters: Here's a must-do agenda for the U.S. bishops.

Death never has the last word, and sisters never die alone: Global Sisters Report asks sisters how their communities face the inevitable death of its older members; Part 1 of "A Good Death," a two-day series.

Pope Francis visited Romania over the weekend. Vatican correspondent Joshua J. McElwee was on the ground during the trip, and was aboard the papal flight back to Rome. Read McElwee's reports here.

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