Copy Desk Daily, March 15, 2019

Our team of copy editors reads and posts most of what you see on the websites for National Catholic Reporter and Global Sisters Report (the NCR project focusing on women religious). The Copy Desk Daily highlights recommended news and opinion articles that have crossed our desks on their way to you.

In NCR's latest editorial, we say: "The narrative constructed by President Donald Trump about our southern border is crude and incorrect, elaborate in its ignorance and enticing to those who need the comfort of someone other to fear and to blame for life's difficulties." There's no national emergency except for US injustices

Meanwhile, readers sent in several reactions on the Vatican abuse summit. You say: "This cannot continue with perpetrators judging the guilty. We need to get out of the way of the Holy Spirit who is leading us in a different direction." Your thoughts on the Vatican abuse summit

On NCR Connections, Tom Roberts connects some dots and provides some context for some of our bigger stories: Bishops must look within their own culture

"Is God calling us to a radical metanoia?" Christine Schenk asks. "A turning ourselves around so as to celebrate human sexual differences and reconsider who has decision-making voice in the church?" Women's authority can help heal our church's broken governance

At Global Sisters Report, Chris Herlinger reports on a panel event where women in theology — veteran scholars and younger seminary students — gathered for a public dialogue about the shared challenges they have faced throughout the decades: Women in theology share trials and triumphs at panel event

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