Copy Desk Daily, Nov. 13, 2019

Our team of copy editors reads and posts most of what you see on the websites for National Catholic Reporter and Global Sisters Report (the NCR project focusing on women religious). The Copy Desk Daily highlights recommended news and opinion articles that have crossed our desks on their way to you.

When disaster strikes: the emerging roles of local churches: In the wake of catastrophic flooding, Baltimore pastors answered the call to provide leadership and help. The latest from EarthBeat.

Cardinal Pell granted final appeal of conviction on sexual abuse charges: Late-breaking reporting from Joshua J. McElwee yesterday: "Australia's highest court has granted Cardinal George Pell leave to appeal his landmark conviction for sexually assaulting two choirboys in the 1990s, setting the stage for a new round of hearings next year to evaluate the historical conduct of the Vatican's former No. 3 official."

'Dear Joan Chittister' shares women's correspondence with Sister Joan: Jessie Bazan, editor of the book that collects letters between women theologians and the prolific author and speaker, says that she and the coauthors hope that readers will "feel free and empowered to speak their truth and to know that their truth and their stories matter."

NCR continues coverage of the U.S. bishops' fall general assembly. You can read all stories here. Highlights include:

Archbishop Gomez elected US bishops' conference president: The Los Angeles archbishop is the first Latino to be elected president.

US bishops' conference clearly divided between Team Francis, culture warriors: "This year, for the first time, you could see Team Francis beginning to gain the upper hand," Michael Sean Winters writes. "Until they didn't."

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