From the editor and publisher: NCR is moving Forward

We are our commited to keeping our online journalism open and available to as many readers as possible. To do that, we need your help.

Every time you read a story on, you are joining hundreds of thousands of readers who visit our site regularly. While reading the news may seem like a solitary activity, you are, in fact, part of a growing digital community of readers who rely on NCR for news, analysis, editorials and spiritual reflection.

We are jointly writing this message to you, as part of this community, to affirm our commitment to keeping our online journalism open and available to as many readers as possible. To do that, we need your help.

Today we introduce NCR Forward, our digital membership program for our online community. We invite you to help us keep NCR's content open and available by becoming a member for as little as $5 a month.  

Members will receive behind-the-scenes stories, exclusive content updates, opportunities to weigh in on newsroom topics and invitations to NCR events. These benefits are available only to members of NCR Forward.

We need the support of our online readers  $5 a month or more  to continue to bring you the news, day in and out. Digital technology presents exciting opportunities to reach new audiences around the world, but providing the content is expensive. Traditional subscriptions and advertising revenues simply do not cover all our costs.

Learn more about our membership program here or visit our Frequently Asked Questions page for more information.

If you regularly visit and value the contributions of this news organization, please show your commitment and become a member. The future of independent Catholic news will be sustained by our readers — won't you be a part of that future and join us?

[Dennis Coday is NCR editor in chief. Caitlin Hendel is NCR publisher and chief executive officer.]

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