Morning Briefing

The Trump administration suffered its biggest DACA setback yet, when a federal judge ruled Tuesday that the protections must stay in place and that the government must resume accepting new applications.

Meanwhile, the Supreme Court will hear oral arguments today in a challenge to Trump's "Muslim travel ban." The USCCB is among those who have filed amicus briefs against the ban, and Sr. Simone Campbell hopes the justices remember Pope Francis' words during his U.S. visit in 2015.

Feminist theologian Elizabeth Johnson has decided to retire from teaching from Fordham University, but she plans to keep "theologizing" and writing — and also playing with her new kitten.

This lengthy Harpers piece analyzes Vice President Mike Pence and how he and other evangelicals see themselves as in "exile" in American culture — while simultaneously having little empathy for actual, physically exiled people.

Juan Carlos Cruz will be staying with Pope Francis this week, but he's looking for more than hospitality from the visit. As one of the most vocal of clergy sex abuse victims in Chile, Cruz told New York Times religion reporter Laurie Goodstsein that wants concrete action against the bishops who hid the abuse.

The parents of Alfie Evans, the toddler who has been in a semi-vegetative state most of his 23-month life, are trying to appeal the latest court decision to prevent them from taking him to Vatican City for treatment.


The board of Image, a journal of art and faith, has terminated founder Gregory Wolfe, after "serious lapses in Mr. Wolfe's leadership, including accusations of a hostile and challenging work environment, harassment in the workplace, and other behavior that has hurt many who love Image and its ideals, including employees, contributors, institutional partners, and donors." NCR has the full story here.

Yesterday, the Chicago Sun-Times published a blank front page to send the message about their need for financial support from readers. And the Chicago Tribune announced it has enough staff support to unionize. (Speaking of supporting your favorite media, please consider becoming a member of NCR.)

A Presbyterian church has offered sanctuary for a Honduran mother of four who fears he will be killed if deported, while Indianapolis Archbishop Charles Thompson will join other clergy planning to accompany an immigrant mother to her check-in with ICE. Both stories in NCR's Justice Action Bulletin.

I spent Wednesday at the 50th anniversary gathering of the National Federation of Priests Councils and tweeted about speakers and award-winners. Look for a longer article soon.

Finally, some good news from sisters helping to rebuild after the earthquake in Nepal three years ago.


Did you hear about the anonymous letter from a young father Archbishop Chaput published in First Things? While Catholic Twitter debates whether it's a fake or not, Michael Sean Winters is more worried that it's real.

The tragedy of the recent deaths of at least 15 Palestinians after a disproportionate response by Israeli forces to Palestinian protests is compounded by the U.S. response to oppose an independent investigation, says political commentator Ra'fat Al-Dajani.

The author of Moral Combat: How Sex Divided American Christians and Fractured American Politics examines political fights about sexuality, which started when women got the right to vote. This history is important, our reviewer says, in light of today's religious liberty debates.

Listen up

This Cubs fan enjoyed last week's "NCR in Conversation" podcast on baseball and faith. It's a home run (I couldn't resist).


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