Morning Briefing

Our Muslim brothers and sisters begin the observance of Ramadan today. But the deaths of 60 Palestinians shot by Israeli forces at the Israel-Gaza border while protesting the move of the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem makes for a somber start to the monthlong holiday. (Columnist Mark Silk gives some analysis of the messianic messages in the embassy's move.)

A mosque in Dubuque, Iowa, receives a gift of Arabic calligraphy from a Catholic parish: That's one story in this week's "Field Hospital" parish round-up.

Trump voters who attend church are more likely to support immigration than those who don't go to services, said a speaker on a panel as part of Georgetown University's "Faith and the Faithful in U.S. Politics" series. Church-going Republicans voted for Trump not for his policies or values, but rather because of a fear that the culture had been moving away from them for eight years, another panelist said.

After last week's news that the Trump administration will end Temporary Protected Status for some 57,000 immigrants from Honduras, Maria Benevento has found that some 97 percent of those covered by TPS face loss of that status and deportation.

Pope Francis is meeting this week with Chilean bishops in Rome about their handling of sexual abuse by priests. ICYMI: Bishop Juan Ignacio Gonzalez Errazuriz admitted "we have made mistakes."

Speaking of Francis, a new documentary about the pope will be in theaters on Friday (and we'll have our review then). But "60 Minutes" gave a preview on Sunday, and Michael Sean Winters likes what he saw so far.

NCR Editor Dennis Coday reports on the performance by composer Dan Schutte in Kansas City, which had to be held in an Episcopal Church after the local bishop barred him from a Catholic parish.

And, in the "Yanny/Laurel" debate (an audio version of the blue/gold dress meme), readers will be interested to know I heard neither! It sounded like "Harry" to me.


Coleman McCarthy holds up Sam Daley-Harris as a model citizen activist.

In "Soul Seeing," read one man's story of leaving the church—and how a priest asking for forgiveness helped him return.

Disillusionment and dismay after what you had hoped would happen doesn't: That's the Emmaus story, and many are living it today.

Listen up!:

I've been enjoying a new podcast called "The Faith Angle" with journalists Kirsten Powers and Jonathan Merritt. Its tagline, "A survival guide for the faithful in Trump's America," hints that politics and social issues are common topics. This week's episode is "Why we should keep talking about race."




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