Morning Briefing

Callista Gingrich is pictured during a U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee confirmation hearing in Washington July 18 after being nominated by President Donald Trump to be the U.S. ambassador to the Vatican. (CNS/Jonathan Ernst, Reuters)


Callista Gingrich, wife of former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, has been confirmed as the U.S. ambassador to the Holy See.

The U.S. Supreme Court decided to let stand a lower court's decision that a Ten Commandments monument on the lawn outside city hall in Bloomfield, New Mexico be removed.

The former president of the Vatican-owned pediatric hospital was found guilty of abuse of office in a case that involved former Vatican Secretary of State Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, whose apartment was refurbished with donations meant for the hospital foundation.

Catholic advocates for comprehensive health care weigh in: President Donald Trump's latest moves against the Affordable Care Act will drive up premiums for middle-income and increase federal deficits.

The Catholic Archbishop of Sydney, Australia, urged a "no" vote on the question of same-sex marriage, ironically using the argument that the government should "keep out of the friendship business and out of the bedroom."

In a new book, Pope Francis explains why he takes the "pastoral risk" of being direct and open in interviews and press conferences.

The pope also named 35 new saints Sunday, nearly all of them martyrs from Mexico and Brazil.

Despite what gossip columnists may say, Cardinal Blase Cupich of Chicago is unlikely to be moving to the Vatican anytime soon.

Chicago-area megachurch Willow Creek has announced two co-pastors to succeed Bill Hybels, making it the only major evangelical megachurch with male-female lead pastors who aren't married, and one of the largest churches in America with a woman in the lead pastor position.

Stay on top of justice news with NCR's latest "Justice Action Bulletin."


A "hipster sister" talks about the importance of authenticity for evangelization on social media in this Q & A: "People want a personal connection with something good, attractive, beautiful and meaningful."

Despite some Christians' belief that academia promotes anti-religious values, Martin E. Marty says that religious values neither decrease nor increase because of students' experience with professors.

Tim Muldoon shares his experience of witnessing devotion to the brown-skinned Lady of Juquila in Salinas, California, where the virgin is a source of strength to Mexican migrants facing violence, poverty and deportation.

Read these inspiring first-person stories from sisters in Uganda.

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