Morning Briefing

People can disagree about whether prospective Supreme Court nominee Amy Barrett should have to answer questions about her Catholicism, but — if she's Trump's nominee — Americans might want to know more about her membership in the People of Praise. We've got an in-depth look at this covenanted community that grew out of the Catholic charismatic movement in the 1970s.

Michael Sean Winters thinks believers shouldn't get a pass when it comes to possibly serving on the highest court in the land — especially if they're under 60 and will serve for a very long time.

Cardinal Jean-Louis Tauran, president of the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue, has died after suffering from Parkinson's Disease. He was 75. Tauran was the one who announced Pope Francis to the world in 2013.

The pope is celebrating a special Mass for migrants today.

A pastor in El Paso, Texas describes the difficult life on the border for asylum seekers, Dreamers, and families escaping hunger, violence, poverty and death threats.,saying: "Jesus looks different from a border perspective." Meanwhile, horror stories are emerging about the treatment of adults and children held in detention.

EPA chief Scott Pruitt resigned yesterday just as the Vatican is hosting a conference on climate change. It started with the Vatican's secretary of state warning that humanity is facing a possible collapse in the Earth's ability to sustain life. Two environmental activists argue that our faith says we must invest in the future of clean energy for all.

Prayers continue for the boys trapped in the cave in Thailand and their rescue workers. A former Thai navy SEAL died last night after passing out under water, and authorities believe time is running out to get the boys out.

A World War II-era Polish priest being considered for sainthood is being criticized for anti-Semitism.

Episcopalians are discussing gay marriage rites, gender-neutral names for God and treatment of women at their annual conference, which began yesterday. Follow news from the meeting from Episcopal News  Service here.

Three more German dioceses have joined the Archdiocese of Paderborn in allowing non-Catholic spouses of Catholics to receive Communion in individual cases.

ICYMI: Clare Coffey reflects on Dorothy Day’s life, as explored in Day’s granddaughter’s memoir of her.

Listen up!

If you haven’t checked out the podcast "Things Not Seen," this week is a good time to start because the guest is Manya Brachear Pashman, religion reporter at the Chicago Tribune. The host is Chicagoan David Dault, who is half of the host due of "The Francis Effect" podcast.


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