Morning Briefing

With words like "treason" and "impeachment" in the air, President Trump claims he misspoke about whether Russia tried to influence the 2016 presidential election.

Speaking of Trump in a now-deleted Facebook post of a letter sent to the Helena diocesan administrator, one of the priests in Montana explains his motive for attending the controversial Trump rally: "Divine Providence has placed the formation of SCOTUS into the hands of President Trump." This tweet has the screenshots.

Meanwhile, this week's Field Hospital parish round-up includes a link to another Montana priest's comments on that incident, saying, "it is the duty of the pastor to preserve the church as a refuge for peace and respect."

Then there is this: Researchers find link between Trump tweets and spike in anti-Muslim hate.

Remember last year's Civilta Cattolica article critiquing some U.S. evangelicals' and some Catholics' links to conservative politics? The authors, Jesuit Fr. Antonio Spadaro and Rev. Marcelo Figueroa, are at it again with a piece on the "prosperity gospel." Hint: God does not want us to be rich.

ICYMI: Catholic #MeToo victims and activists are facing backlash in the form of online bullying and legal action.

In international news, as Zimbabwe's July 30 elections draw near, church leaders are calling for a peaceful and credible process.

Geoengineering for greenhouse gas removal and solar radiation management could help address climate change. But is it playing God?

Global Sisters Report has an interesting look at the 12 percent of religious brothers and sisters who were not born Catholic.

At the inaugural Joan Chittister Institute for Contemporary Spirituality, eight young feminist theologians weren't afraid to ask difficult questions that challenge the church.

A GoFundMe page has been set up for Charlottesville activist and theology student Eric Martin, to help with legal representation for his upcoming July 24 trial date for standing up to a white supremacist at the University of Virginia Law Library. (And more justice news in this week's Justice Action Bulletin.)

Eunice Kennedy Shriver, founder of the Special Olympics, finally gets her due in a biography by Eileen McNamara. (Fun fact: Shriver spoke at my 1988 graduation at Notre Dame, when she received the Laetare Medal.)

Mary of Magdala's feast day is this Sunday, July 22. FutureChurch has resources for those who want to celebrate the "Apostle to the Apostles."

I've toured America magazine's new offices in New York City, and they're as impressive as this New York Times real estate section article describe. Envy is a sin, right?

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