Morning Briefing

If we didn't believe in the resurrection, this news last night would be sad, but those of us inspired by Archbishop Hunthausen live in hope, and we can rejoice: Raymond Hunthausen, retired archbishop of Seattle, dies at age 96

We will have more rememberances of Archbishop Hunthausen posted to the website today, until then, some back stories:

From August 2012: Controversial former Seattle archbishop celebrates 50-year anniversary as bishop

In June 2010, Notre Dame theologian Richard McBrien wrote a column that gave, "a representative sample of retired or deceased bishops, many of whom have served the church in America with uncommon pastoral zeal and who are fondly and gratefully remembered by many in their dioceses." Hunthausen was among them. McBrien called his column: US bishops from a better time

In 2015 Orbis Books publised a biography of Hunthausen written by John A. McCoy. Fr. Donald Donald Cozzens reviewed the book for NCR in an article headlined Reined in by the Vatican, set free by the Gospel

NCR staff writer Brian Roewe takes an in depth look at the Survivors Network for those Abused by Priets. Questions abound about SNAP's future

Phyllis Zagano offers the next installment in NCR's look at the Catholic #MeToo moment: #MeToo, Your Excellency. Earlier Mary Hunt had written for us A Catholic trifecta of disgrace: Next step in abuse saga is due

From the Jerusalem Post: Israel’s Air Force struck a Palestinian terrorist cell on Sunday night that had launched flaming kites from the northern Gaza Strip towards Israel. The attack came on the second day of a fragile calm, in which Hamas temporarily halted its violent attacks against Israel as part of a cease-fire understanding with Egypt. Will Israel lift or continue its harshest restrictions on Gaza? a columnist from the Jerusalem Post asks.

According to the United Nations and relief agencies: Violence in Gaza has increased humanitarian needs

Patrick Whelan, a pediatric specialist at UCLA and a former NCR board member, recently toured health facilities in Gaza. This is what he found: Gaza trip reveals daily struggles that families, doctors endure.

Remember the Trump peace process plan? As Violence Flares, Kushner Threatens to Abandon a Plan B for the Mideast: Rebuilding Gaza

Meanwhile, Kushner's dad-in-law pokes at sore spots (His capitalization, not mine): ‘NEVER, EVER THREATEN THE UNITED STATES AGAIN,’ Trump tweets in warning to Iran’s Rouhani

The Washington Post has an interesting series running: They have the will. But is there a wage? Two young job-seekers in Omaha will find out. The Post follows them during a targeted employment training program in Nebraska.

Playing on anti-government sentiment, the Trump administration has a new initiative, a marketing campaign, to rebrand key safety net policies that millions of Americans rely on as "welfare," undermining their legitimacy. Suzanne Mettler asks Will we fall for it?

Back at the Supreme Court:

Pope Francis' exhortation Gaudete et Exsultate ("Rejoice and Be Glad") has inspired many. NCR and Celebration have the resources to help you on yourjourney of 'small holiness'.

  • Start your day inspired with daily Scripture reflections. Join NCR's sister publication, Celebration, for Daily Bread, a series of short reflections written by four authors who meet regularly to share the readings.
  • Or reflect on Pencil Preaching by Pat Marrin. Every morning Pat Marrin breaks open the Word with a pencil sketch and a short meditation.

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