Morning Briefing

by Joshua J. McElwee

News Editor

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NCR's recent reporting on the bombshell letter from Archbishop Vigano:

Brian Roewe looks at the figure of the Vatican's former ambassador to Washington: Who is Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano?

Heidi Schlumpf speaks to Chicago's cardinal: Cupich urges accountability in fellow bishops, lay leadership on abuse issue

Dennis Coday reports on how upper ranks of the US church are responding: US cardinals reject Vatican diplomat's claims of widespread cover-up of abuse

My report on Archbishop Ganswein's comments: Benedict's secretary: Reports ex-pope confirmed Vigano's letter 'fake news'

Jesuit Fr. Tom Reese advises the Vatican: Doubts about Viganò's accusations aside, Pope Francis needs a better response

From other publications:

The New York Times connects the dots and learns Vigano spoke to conservative American lawyer Timothy Busch before writing his letter: Letter Accusing Pope Leaves U.S. Catholics in Conflict

AP's Nicole Winfield reveals that an ultra-right-wing Italian reporter helped Vigano edit his statement: Journalist who helped pen pope bombshell says author wept

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