Morning Briefing

This morning’s news is all about who will meet with Pope Francis on sex abuse:

Some anonymous Chicago seminarians, after spending a retreat day with Cardinal Blase Cupich before Labor Day, leaked some of the cardinal’s comments to the Chicago Sun-Times.  The paper also reported that a Chicago auxiliary bishop, now 90, who has admitted that he moved abusive priests while working under Cardinals Bernardin and George, is living in the “cardinal’s mansion.” (Cupich does not live there.)  An editorial in the paper yesterday said the archdiocese is sending “mixed signals” on the issue of abuse.

In other news related to sex abuse:

Meanwhile, residents of the Carolinas and Virginia are evacuating in advance of Hurricane Florence, but some prisoners, guards and staff will be left behind.

The director of Fordham University’s Center for Religion and Culture received a surprising letter, from Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI, who praised an upcoming conference on the centenary of Cardinal Avery Dulles’ birth. More info on the Sept. 24 conference here.

The “nones” may have left organized religion, but they’re still looking for meaning. One place they’re finding it: at the gym. Read about it in “CrossFit is my church.”

Religion reporters from around the country will gather in Columbus later this week for this year’s Religion News Association conference. NCR will have three representatives there.

Lots of religion podcasts are starting up again after their summer hiatus, including NCR in Conversation, which launched Season 3 last Friday. One that that didn’t take a summer vacation is “Things Not Seen” with Chicago’s David Dault. In August, he talked with Steven Millies of Catholic Theological Union, and over Labor Day posted a rebroadcast with Timone Davis of Loyola University

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