Morning Briefing

Big news, truly historic news, broke on Saturday: The Vatican announced the signing of a "provisional agreement" with Chinese authorities to address a seven-decade dispute over the appointment of Catholic bishops in the world's most populous country.

NCR reporters Soli Salgado and Maria Benevento covered the V Encuentro -- the four-year nationwide consultation with the Hispanic Catholic community -- in Grapevine, Texas, this weekend. Hispanic young adults engage bishops, express needs at V Encuentro.

Read all of NCR's coverage of this issue at La Iglesia Hispana. Watch this space for updates later today and more this week.

Also this weekend, NCR Vatican correspondent Joshua McElwee was traveling with Pope Francis in Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia. The trip ends Tuesday night when Francis and his entourage return to Rome. Here's McElwee's latest filing Francis warns: 75 years after Holocaust, guard against 'any whiff' of anti-Semitism. All of the reporting from the trip can be found here: Francis in the Baltics. Check back later today and tomorrow for updates and new reports.

Leading German Jesuit says abuse crisis calls for major Church reform Current structures actually prevent critical investigation and verification of clerical sexual abuse and its cover-up

Dominican Sister Pat Farrell reflects on Public weeping, public penance

Web developer sues Knights of Columbus, alleges membership stats inflated. Knights characterize suit as "garden-variety business dispute."

The news: Two weeks ago, the Archdiocese of Suva, Fiji, announced its divestment from fossil fuels. The commentary: Catholic Church must keep up its clear, inspiring leadership in climate crisis

Start your day inspired with daily Scripture reflections. Join NCR's sister publication, Celebration, for Daily Bread, a series of short reflections written by four authors who meet regularly to share the readings.

Or reflect on Pencil Preaching by Pat Marrin. Every morning Pat Marrin breaks open the Word with a pencil sketch and a short meditation.

Pope Francis' exhortation Gaudete et Exsultate ("Rejoice and Be Glad") has inspired many. NCR and Celebration have the resources to help you on your journey of 'small holiness'.

Here's a follow up to a story we reported on last week out of Chicago: The priest who ignited controversy by burning an LGBTQ-friendly flag on church grounds against the orders of Cardinal Blase Cupich has been removed from his Avondale parish.

One more unwelcome mat on our national front stoop: Trump Administration moves to restrict immigrants who use public benefits, benefits to which they are legally entitled, such as Medicaid, the Medicare Part D low-income subsidy, Section 8 housing vouchers and the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program

Researchers find one big problem with Medicaid work requirements: People don't know about them. Arkansas is the first state to test it, and thousands have been kicked off the program.

Available now is the latest installment of The Life , Globabl Sisters Report's monthly feature about the unique, challenging and very specific lives of women religious around the world. This month a panel of sisters explores how congregational charisms fit into the "great commission" of Jesus and gave examples of specific ways they carry it out.

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